If you want to understand PEMF Therapy in a nutshell, start here
← Your cells on PEMF Therapy
Step 1 Click here to watch Dr. Oz’s video (7:44) explaining PEMF Therapy and how it would benefit you (originally aired in 2011)
Step 2 Click here to watch Dr. Jim Maynard’s personal live blood analysis, aka, Darkfield Microscopy (8:19). He shows how PEMF Therapy will affect each one of us through his own testimony.
Why you NEED PEMF Therapy
- These are your cells in action (far left)
- We want nice round cells like these
- This allows the cells to do what they need to do; let nutrients come in, and waste products go out
- We want to oxygenate your cells
- Nitric oxide opens up your veins and arteries so blood can flow
- If your cells stay clumped up, this can lead to sickness, diseases, or even worse
- Diseases cannot live in an oxygenated environment
We are electrical beings and low energy is detrimental to our bodies. We all need to exercise our cells using PEMF Therapy.
Resonance is the key!
Pulse electromagnetic field therapy of the appropriate frequencies can produce cellular resonance
The Future of Wellness –
the Omnium1 and iMRS prime medical devices can help activate your body’s self healing mechanism
How we started
At the young age of 26, the CEO of Swiss Bionic Solutions, Wolfgang Jaksch was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer.
After his chemotherapy, Wolfgang made a commitment to himself to improve his health in order to avoid a relapse.
25 years later (2022) not only is he cancer-free, but he has also created the best PEMF devices available, Swiss Bionic Solutions, a certified medical PEMF Device for Home or Clinical Use (Certified & Approved Medical Devices within the scope of MDR 2017/745) worldwide.
What Is PEMF Therapy And Who Should Use It?
PEMF is like a battery charger for our cells. The voltage of a healthy cell is about -20 to -25 millivolts. When the voltage drops below -15 millivolts or less, we start to get sick. They become dysfunctional and unable to heal by inducing a low electrical magnetic current into damaged cells. PEMF increases blood flow, oxygenates the cells and the terrain, and re-establishes normal cell communication, which helps slow or stop the release of pain and inflammatory mediators. With reduced inflammation in your body, tissue healing speeds up, pain decreases and your energy increases.
“Chronic disease and loss of well-being is always defined by low electrical charge. With enough voltage and raw materials, the body can heal almost anything”, Jerry Tennant, MD, Healing is Voltage.
Click here for more from Dr. Tennant
“The cells in the body are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts. To heal we must achieve -50 millivolts. We experience chronic illness when voltage drops below -20 millivolts.”
PEMF is not intended to treat a specific condition, however, it is more as an optimizer for the body’s natural functions of self-healing and self-regulation. There are well over 2,000 medical studies that evaluate the effect of PEMF on the body—studies ranging from Arthritis, Cell Regeneration, Circulation, Skin Would healing, pain, and so much more more.
One of the biggest barriers to a person’s healing is good cellular health! You are only as healthy as your cells.
It is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy that complements other treatments. Together with a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet, it can aid the acceleration of the healing process. Individuals are advised to consult their physicians before changing any medication.
“PEMF is a benefit for mankind and will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine!”
~ per Dr. Linus Pauling, 2x Nobel Prize Winner (One in Chemistry)
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. Our entire biological system-the body, the brain, and the earth itself-work on the same frequencies.”
~Nikola Tesla
And for ALL of our
Four-Legged Family Too!
PEMF Therapy has been professionally used in the veterinary field for decades as a supporting and accompanying modality for a wide range of health conditions. An additional growing application spectrum is the usage for agility and sport dogs, racing and show horses, as well as with other pets and livestock. The Swiss Bionic iMRS prime PEMF system is a certified Medical Device (Certified & Approved Medical Devices within the scope of MDR 2017/745) and can help improve performance, relieve pain, increase vitality and help to bring our furry friends back to balance working towards optimum health.
Marley getting “frequenized” (using iMRS Prime Hybrid)
How PEMF Therapy Works
How do healthy people benefit from PEMF?
In order to create and maintain a healthy organism, the smallest intelligent building block, the human or animal cell, needs to perform on the highest level possible. Metabolism serves as the mechanism to transform all applied nutrients, oxygen and other vital substances into ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate and at the same time to efficiently release the produced “waste”. ATP is predominantly responsible for initiating and maintaining all vital functions within a living organism.
In addition, proper microcirculation enables the organism to supply vital information via hormones and neurotransmitters, to effectively remove waste and to sustain immune defense.
The performance and functions of all tissues, organs, glands, muscles, and joints are subject to impeccable microcirculation and cellular functionality.
What does PEMF stand for?
The term PEMF means -Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields- and describes in modern physics the specific application of unique pulsed, electromagnetic frequencies and intensities for the health and wellness benefit of human beings and animals.
Are there studies about PEMF?
Application of Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields has a vast history within the scope of science and medicine and is scientifically researched for more than a century. Basically, there are thousands of studies and scientific articles published and available, however, most of them with the limitation of lacking comparable classification.
Please be aware, that a study that contains the term “PEMF” may not and cannot be claimed for every system or device on the market! The decisive factor of whether a clinical study can be related to a certain system or device is solely depending on the applied properties the study has been performed with.
These properties are waveform, intensity levels, applied frequency spectrum, applicator design and -technology, duration of applications, the environment of the study, number and age group of probands, duration of the study.
As of today, competitive manufacturers and suppliers of PEMF devices are claiming their “own” research and create the impression, that only their devices or systems are “medically” approved or deliver certain results. Industry-friendly studies with dependent and “paid” individuals are only good for marketing, but do not, in any way, reflect scientifically and independently proven effects.
The same applies to often called “patented signals”: Under no circumstances can a patented signal or patented waveform claim a clinically proven health-benefiting effect. A patent is nothing else than a legal form of protection of intellectual property.
This approach is not only misleading but also illegal and against applicable law. The applied PEMF properties of iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems are based on fundamental and basic research (Biology, Physics) with Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields and their effects on living organisms – all concentrated on the crucial constituents: waveform, intensity levels, frequency spectrum, applicator layout and technology, resonance and coherence!
The efficiency and performance of a PEMF system or device is by no means depending on the brand name but solely on the applied properties!
Are there legal contraindications or interactions?
PEMF devices of all kinds (high- and low-frequency, high- and low-intensity) are not free of contraindications and interactions. Depending on the applied field intensity, frequency and waveforms, contraindications may vary widely. Based on the risk analysis, which is a mandatory part of any medical certification, the legal contraindications for iMRS prime and Omnium1 are as following:
- During pregnancy
- In case of epilepsy
- With electronic implants such as pacemakers or insulin pumps (exceptions with the consent of a treating physician)
- Children younger than 2 weeks
In addition, the following so-called “relative contraindications”, therefore we name them interactions, need to be considered and must be evaluated by a licensed health care provider on an individual basis prior to a PEMF application:
- Tumor illnesses
- Serious cardiac arrhythmia
- In acute attacks of hyperthyroidism
- In the case of oversensitivity to electromagnetic radiation (EMS)
A manufacturer of any kind of PEMF devices, who does not mention any contraindications publicly (manuals, websites, educational material etc.), is not operating legally and may harm the user with hazardous, unclassified and non-compliant devices!
How can we explain PEMF in simple and short terms?
PEMF = Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields in general are used in modern medicine for a variety of defined conditions.
Depending on the applied properties (waveform, intensity, frequency, coherence) the exposed field creates local health-benefiting effects around the designated areas, where the field is targeted. iMRS prime, as well as Omnium1, belong to the specific group of low-pulsed and low-frequency devices and due to their unique properties, both systems are designed to create a holistic effect on almost all of the approx. 70 Billion cells in an average human body.
The particular principle of operation is based on the capability of boosting and enhancing the membrane potential of each cell with the result to improve microcirculation, metabolism and ultimately energy production (ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate).
Low pulsed and low-frequency PEMF systems are NOT designed to target and/or treat a particular disease, their potential lies in the holistic effect of supporting the entire body to repair and restore its self-regulating forces.
Compared to high-intensity and high-frequency devices, the iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems are absolutely safe to use and can be also legally utilized and self-operated in the comfort of people’s homes. iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems are both certified as medical devices and registered/regulated within all markets Swiss Bionic Solutions is supplying.
Can I use PEMF if I have a metal implant? (surgical screws, staples, plates)
Not every PEMF device can be used in case a patient carries a metal implant. High-intensity devices create interactions that may lead to a heating-up of the metal inside the body!
iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems from Swiss Bionic Solutions can be used without any restrictions as their applied intensity levels are too low to create interactions with the metal.
How can "microcirculation" be defined?
Microcirculation is a fundamental process of our metabolic system, which allows via regular blood flow to supply every single cell in our body with necessary nutrients, vital substances, and oxygen.
It is also responsible for the proper evacuation of waste products (carbon dioxide, other toxins). The prefix “micro” is related to the smallest vessels within our organ system.
Microcirculation is divided into numerous structures: Arterioles, capillaries, lymphatic vessels as well as the entire interstitial space between those.
What are the main causes of microcirculation disorders?
The main influence on disturbances on microcirculation are based on lifestyle of the individual and environmental factors (specially in industrial countries). Lack of exercise, obesity, poor diet, physical/mental stress as well as significant environmental pollution. The cumulating effects of these triggers create a negative effect on circulation and appear to be the main cause for premature aging and the ever-rising development of chronic diseases.
Can PEMF heal illnesses?
PEMF applications with iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems are in general not designed to “treat” or “heal” specific diseases. Based on the most recent clinical evaluation, which is mandatory within the scope of the certification of medical devices, the iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems from Swiss Bionic Solutions are cleared for the following, specific areas of application:
- To promote bone healing, e.g. in the case of a bone fracture
- To reduce the sensation of pain, e.g. from diseases of the locomotor system
- For improved wound healing
- For improved peripheral microcirculation
All, eventually, additional health-benefiting effects, are mainly based on and created by the holistic impact of the coherent interactions between the applied properties and the cellular structure of the organism.
Why is PEMF more and more utilized in a clinical/professional environment?
- Because it serves as a very effective conjunctional application, significantly improving the success of established therapy routines!
- Because it promotes comprehensive healing based on self-regulation!
- Because there are almost no contraindications and interactions with medication or other therapies!
- Because it provides the foundation for other therapies, specifically in cases, where a good constitution /energy level of the patient is crucial for the healing process!
- Because its efficiency is nowadays medically acknowledged and scientifically proven!
- Because it is easy to use, doesn’t require expert staff, and doesn’t need supervision during an application!
- Because PEMF often helps and improves the state of health when other modalities show no results anymore!
- Because it is non-invasive and very safe to use!
- Because the cost-benefit ratio is unparalleled!
- Because it requires no maintenance and is not consumable!
- Because iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems from Swiss Bionic Solutions are considered to be very safe, medically certified, and legally regulated with the respective authorities!
FDA Timeline
Non-union Fractures
Urinary Incontinence and Muscle Stimulation
Cervical Fusion Patients At High-Risk of Non-Fusion
Depression and Anxiety
Brain Cancer
FDA Upgrades PEMF Classification from Class 3 to Class 2

In 2022, Swiss Bionic Solutions is certified and approved medical devices within the scope of MDR 2017/745.

People spend their health, to get their wealth. Then they spend their wealth to get their health.
Curious about our promotion?

“Your health is an investment, not an expense”
~ John Quelch
iMRS prime Basic

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
iMRS prime Advanced

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Software Tool: Program Mode
iMRS prime Expert

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Software Tool: Program Mode
- Software Tool: iGuide
- Software Tool: Split Mode
iMRS prime Hybrid

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator FIR
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Software Tool: Program Mode
- Software Tool: iGuide
- Software Tool: Split Mode
- Software Tool: Hybrid Mode
iMRS prime Basic SET

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Exagon Brain
- Exagon Sense
iMRS prime Advanced SET

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Exagon Brain
- Exagon Sense
- Software Tool: Program Mode
iMRS prime Expert SET

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator Mat
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Exagon Brain
- Exagon Sense
- Software Tool: Program Mode
- Software Tool: iGuide
- Software Tool: Split Mode
iMRS prime Hybrid SET

More Details
- iMRS prime Control Unit
- iMRS prime Connector Box
- Exagon Applicator FIR
- Exagon Applicator Pad
- Exagon Applicator Spot
- 20-PIN prime Connector Cable
- Power Adapter
- Exagon Brain
- Exagon Sense
- Software Tool: Program Mode
- Software Tool: iGuide
- Software Tool: Split Mode
- Software Tool: Hybrid Mode
Rent me for a couple of weeks!

Omnium1 2.0 (Travel Mat)
Why a Demo Is Not Necessary
Why does Healing Wave state a demonstration of PEMF Therapy is not necessary?
iMRS PEMF Therapy Devices (iMRS Prime & Omnium1) are non-invasive. Our bodies naturally interact with the Earth’s Magnetic Fields and has in the past improved to be in balance with this essential natural occurrence.
Magnetic fields affect our body chemistry at a cellular level. PEMF Therapy helps to stimulate and re-balance our bodies. Due to the nature of PEMF (mimics Earth’s Frequency), there is no feeling, no heat (except through your own body) or pulse/vibration. When you lie on the PEMF Therapy Mat, you may not even know if it’s working or not because your body does not have a sense organ that can “feel” these fields! You can feel and see results, and using PEMF continuously and consistently will continue to feel positive effects.
We highly recommend you do your due diligence. There are over 10,000 research studies, over 2,000 scientific studies that include gold standard double-blind placebo controls. Check out testimonials online; YouTube is full of testimonials on PEMF Therapy.
Our sincere desire is to introduce this fantastic technology to you and your loved ones. Healing Wave will never try to convince you. We feel once you realize, through education, we are electrical beings and having low energy (voltage) is detrimental to your body (your cells), you will start to understand why we all need PEMF Therapy. All health is cell health. PEMF is cell health.
More about Dr. Maynard's experience here
Q&A with Dr. Jim Maynard regarding his blood flow analysis testimonial-
Q: Am I understanding what you did- you used it, got well, stopped using it, then got sick again?
Q: Do you have to use it for life?
Q: You would think that after using it so much, you would improve because you are helping create healthier cells? Can you explain this?
Response from Dr. Jim Maynard-
A: Yes, you must continue it for life if the purpose is to improve cellular status.
A: The cells in those with coronary artery diseases are damaged at the stem cell level.
A: PEMF does not (as far as I know) does not cause our cellular growth to reproduce healthier cells.
A: The PEMF effectiveness is accomplished by improving the quality of the cells we have by making them more efficient at their job.
A: It improves the wall thickness, allows them to carry a higher volume of Oxygen, and the magnetic effect on the iron (hemoglobin) keeps them from clumping with other cells.
A: This produces a more efficient cellular function and thus improves shortness of breath along with providing our muscles and organs with more oxygen critical to metabolism and growth.
It may be that there are disorders that are only temporary to begin with that once the PEMF brings them under control and returns them to normal that one can cease the use of the Omnium1.
But that seems to be counter productive to me.
Why would you want to discontinue something that helped you become healthier and improve your immunity or resistance to a disorder of any type.
Now, I can say that missing a few days may not be critical as it took weeks for me to reach that frightening state again. I suspect the time before I would return to that state now may be longer than before.
But I cannot know that without stopping and testing again. I’ll never do that again. The reason I did it then was because I wanted to see what the cells looked like prior to my beginning the Omnium1 Mat.
Believe me, with my health issues of the past and the fact that I am now feeling healthier and looking younger than I have in many years, I have no desire to find out what might happen if I totally stopped.
Below: a few photos of this 74 year old man (ME) now.
Just look at me now and several years ago when I did that testimonial video for you.
Nothing has been done to these pictures OR Me.
I feel much better also. I’ll never give up my Omnium1 Mat. EVEN my cardiologist is now looking into the studies and research.
I can’t promise everybody my results. I was pretty bad off.
But I’ve come a long way baby……….
Thanks for all your help also Terry.
Best wishes,
Personal Darkfield Microscopy Results 2018
Personal Thermography Experiment 2018
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“Your health is an investment, not an expense.”
– John Quelch